The CNY Diaper Bank partners with local agencies to provide diapers to families in need.

The CNY Diaper Bank does not provide disposable diapers directly to families.


  • Diapers are NOT COVERED by WIC or SNAP benefits.

  • Babies need 6-10 diaper changes a day to stay clean, dry and healthy.  Newborns may need more than that.


  • DIAPERS in all sizes make excellent baby shower gifts!  If your friends and loved ones ask what they can buy for you, ask for diapers in all sizes!  Your baby will be needing them for the next 2-3 years.

  • ALDI’s has the lowest cost per diaper in the Syracuse area.  Always look at the cost per diaper. Lowest retail cost per diaper is typically under $0.21.

  • If you have trouble affording enough diapers for your baby now or in the future, there are several agencies in the community that partner with the CNY Diaper Bank and can be used up to one time per month. You can find a list of agencies here.

  • CLOTH DIAPERS are a money saving option--even if only used part-time--they will save you money!  They can be washed with the rest of your laundry.

CNY Diaper Bank has a cloth diaper program.

Using cloth diapers can save you from buying expensive disposable diapers every week but the upfront costs of cloth diapers can prevent families from using them. Now you can receive cloth diapers for FREE!

Contact us and set up a time to meet. We’ll make sure you have all of the info you need to be successful with cloth and you will receive a full supply of cloth diapers, reusable wipes and wet bags for storage at home and on the go!

For questions, email

For a current list of CNY Diaper Bank Partner Agencies click here.